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Healthy Habits To Lower The Risk Of Cancer

Health is everything!
11 Feb 2020, 08:32 AM

Main image via Freepik 

Cancer are affected by many factors, and the cancer cells in our body can be unpredictable. However, there are a few ways or things you can practice to lower the risks of getting it.

Eating Healthy

healthy habits to lower the risk of cancer

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Having a healthy body is the best protection that we can have. According to Mayo Clinic, women who follow a Mediterranean diet have lower risks of developing breast cancer. The diet mainly consists of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, nuts and consuming healthy fats such as olive oil.

Get yourself vaccinated

healthy habits to lower the risk of cancer

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Vaccination not only helps us fight against the huge amount of viruses out there, but there are special vaccines such as ones for Hepatitis B that lower risks of liver cancer. It is also advisable to do full screening checks that you can do at many labs around which can help detect cancer at an early stage, if you have it.

Throw away that cancer stick

healthy habits to lower the risk of cancer

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Smoking is the cause of many cancers especially the lung, so avoiding it would be the right thing to do. However, even if you are not a smoker, you can experience an increased risk of lung cancer if you are around second hand smoke!

Living Healthy

healthy habits to lower the risk of cancer

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We covered eating healthy earlier, but it is not complete when you are not keeping active. According to the American Cancer Society, physical activity can reduce the risks of cancers such as prostate cancer, colon cancer, breasts cancer and others. Apart from the other health benefits such as having lower risks of heart attacks and high blood pressure, exercising regularly is great for the body overall.

Always be on the alert when you feel there’s anything unusual about your body, and get a screening check if you feel troubled. Early detection makes all the difference.

RAAGA cares so here are some links where you can get your screening done. 

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