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8 Lessons that we have learned during the MCO

20 May 2020, 11:18 AM

Main image via TheSunDaily

Life is full of lessons; every day we learn something new, if there’s one thing the Movement Control Order (MCO) has shown us, it’s to appreciate the little things in life. Before the MCO things that we do every day may have slipped our minds how much they meant to us from simple joys of driving to work, meeting friends and family for meals, watching a movie, or cheering on our favorite football team at a nearby mamak over teh tarik and roti.

 Life has changed in these few months adapting to the norms, the way we live has been changed we have learned many new things here are the top 8 lessons from MCO.

1.     We appreciate the food that we eat more

Most of us might have been denying the need to learn to cook MCO has definitely brought our cooking skills up a level. For Those who of us that are new to cooking it really taught us to be grateful to our moms who have been cooking us 3 meals a day and it’s not an easy job let alone cook for one. Cooking is a serious business with the preparation and after work that comes along cooking. Lesson one would be appreciate our food a little more.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mco

Image via YouTube

2.     We adapted to lots of new ways to be more hygienic and better in taking care of our health.

With the spread of the global COVID-19 pandemic, protecting our health has become our top priority. From washing our hands and using sanitizer, to wearing face masks and practicing social distancing. We have, lesson two we've learned to take better care of ourselves and others.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mco Image via Insider

3.     People are more tech savvy, even the older generation have adapted to online services

With people movements restricted everyone had the urgency to adapt online services let it be for paying our bills, online delivery’s, or getting into video conference calls to attend online classes and work meetings. Even our parents and grandparents have grown to become more tech savvy to keep up with the times.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mco

Image via ABC

4.     My of us have learned to be in better at communicating and coordinating with the working from experience.

Working from home can be a challenge especially when there are kids in the house. MCO has taught us to be more productive and to be more creative with the tools given to us. We've also learned to communicate clearly, whether it's through emails, video calls, or productivity apps.

 8 lessons that we have learned during the mco Image via Says

5.     We value the presence of our friends and family more as we were reminded of how much our loved ones mean to us.

Previously many of us would fine any reason possible to skip on gatherings and meetups for some alone time. with all the alone time we want we have realized how much we miss them and tried to bond with people and reconnect with long-lost friends more then ever. It's also taught us that we'll never have time for each other until we choose to make time.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mcoImage via BussinessInsiderMY

6.     For those who among us were free on spending learned how to manage our finances better and the importance of saving money.

Malaysians have been affected financially with the MCO. It has taught us all to be more prudent with our spending, making us realize what is necessary and luxury. he MCO has shown us how important it is to have savings that can tide us through challenging times like this.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mco Image via NBCNews

7.     It is important to learn new skills and there no better time like the present to peruse your passion.

Many Malaysian have used the extra time they have now to learn cooking, new soft skills got started on that hobby they always were passionate for. Some parents even took the opportunity to pass on some skills of their own to their kids like stitching , cooking , playing instruments and more. The MCO has reminded all of us that there's no better time to do what we love or go after our dreams.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mco Image via WordPress

8. With spending more time at home, we have come to enjoy the simple things in life that’s we could enjoy at the comfort our home.

We've been able to take time to enjoy the comforts of home, whether it's sitting on our balcony to see the sunset, watching online streaming shows on our TV screen, or utilizing every part of our kitchen. All in all, this MCO has made us realize how important it is to have a home that feels like home.

8 lessons that we have learned during the mco

Image via DailyMail

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