Main Image Via Crossroad Ford
Singing in the rain is fun, but driving in it? Not so much. Even the best drivers have trouble driving in the rain. Slippery roads and poor vision can be a challenge to everyone.
Here are 4 tips you should remember the next time it rains!
Switch On Lights, Not Hazards lights
Though many newer cars come with automatic running lights, the point of turning on the headlights while using windshield wipers is to get your tail lights turned on as well. That way other can identify all four corners of the vehicle in the rain.
It is not advisable to be turning on the hazard light as it would be indicating there is an hazardous issue with the car. Don’t send out mixed signals to other road users.

Slow Down!
Leave at least five seconds of following distance between your car and the one in front of you, and slow down. The latter reduces the chances of you skidding out, and will give you more time to react to emergencies. The maximum speed allowed on the roads are for perfect weather and perfect road conditions. Better to be safe than sorry!
Maintain your tyres
Tyre tread allows your tyres to stick to the road, which is why it's dangerous to drive with bald tyres. Without the right traction, you can skid, slide, and hydroplane easily in wet conditions. Always remember to check your tyre condition regularly.
Avoid slamming on the brakes
Slamming on the brakes can cause you to slide forward, and you won't be able to control the car. Hitting the brakes too hard can also force water into your brakes, making them less effective. Instead of braking, you can also slow yourself down by easing off the accelerator, and downshifting if you have manual transmission.
Have any tips of your own? Lets us know in the comments!
Written By Thineshkan
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